A Journey to Authenticity
Learning to live your life authentically is a process.
The real YOU is worth it.
You’ll find tools, techniques, and strategies throughout to make your journey a success. The course includes 49 lessons with a variety of reflections, exercises, and even a field trip to guide you through this exciting journey to authenticity.
Your journey starts with getting to know who you really are. Clarify your beliefs and values. Discover your true passions. Develop a healthy self-concept. The path continues with proven techniques that will help you accept and love the person you find inside.
The overachiever that feels TRAPPED in an identity that feels foreign
The spouse who feels like they’re wearing a MASK in her marriage
The accountant who wants to TRAVEL the world
The employee who is sick of hiding his TRUE self
The wannabe entrepreneur who feels STUCK in his job
The university student who is TRAPPED in a boring major
ANYONE longing for a true, joyful, wholesome, authentic life
Invitation from Monica Alexandra
Lesson1-Intro to course
Lesson 2- The First Step to Being Authentic
Lesson 3 - Top 10 Ways to Develop Self- Awareness
Lesson 4 - Who Are You? Pondering Your Personal Identity
Lesson 5 - Increase Self-Understanding by Journaling Your Life
Lesson 6 - Discovering Your Personal Set of Values
Lesson 7- 15 Questions to Ask Yourself to Discover Your True Passions
Lesson 8- Module 1 Summary and Reflection
Lesson 9 - Re-evaluating the Past
Lesson 10 - Build your Self -Esteem
Lesson 11- Be Proactive to Increase Your Satisfaction in Life
Lesson 12 - Who Do You Wish To Be?
Lesson 13 -Summary and Reflection
Lesson 14 - Self Acceptance What it is and How to Get It
Lesson 15- 4 Ways to Come to Terms With Your True Self
Lesson 16 - 3 Strategies To Let go of the Past and Move Forward
Lesson 17 - Feel Better About Yourself By Leaving the Burden of Guilt Behind
Lesson 18 - Transform your Inner Critic In to your Own Personal Cheerleader
Lesson 19 - Break Free From Crippling Self Doubt With These 3 Tips
Lesson 20 - Proven Strategies to Eliminate a Negative Self Image
Lesson 21- 8 Tips for Building a Healthy Self Image
Lesson 22 - Summary and Reflection
Lesson 23 - Embrace Your Individuality
Lesson 24 - Stop Seeking Approval From Others and Enjoy Greater Self-Esteem
Lesson 25 - The Flaw of Comparing Yourself to Others
Lesson 26 - 8 Ways to Learn to Like Yourself and Live the Life You Want
Lesson 27 - Self-Authority: Believe in Yourself
Lesson 28 - Loving Your Physical Self: Looking After Your Body
Lesson 29 - Loving Your Emotional Self: Understanding and Respecting Your Own Feelings
Lesson 30 - Loving Your Intellectual Self: Feeding Your Mind
Lesson 31- Loving Your Spiritual Self: Caring for Your Soul
Lesson 32 - Module 4 Summary and Reflection
Lesson 33 - Benefits of discovering and living your life purpose
Lesson 34 - Questions To Reveal Your Life Purpose
Lesson 35 - Finding Your Purpose Through Writing
Lesson 36 - Meditation Can Unlock the Subconscious
Lesson 37 - 7 More Questions to Reveal Your Life Purpose
Lesson 38 - Make Your Purpose a Part of Your Life
Lesson 39- Summary and Reflection
Lesson 40 - On being authentic
Lesson 41 - Setting your life priorities
Lesson 42 - Dare to be yourself
Lesson 43 - Show the real you
Lesson 44 - Finding the courage to share your feelings
Lesson 45 - Remember to present yourself honestly
Lesson 46 - The power of your inner voice
Lesson 47 - Developing the courage to cultivate originality
Lesson 48 - What would you do with unlimited resources
Lesson 49 - Summary and reflection
What seemed to many as a life that was fulfilling and filled with limitless opportunities was, in fact, a life lived on autopilot mode for Bolivian top tennis player Monica Alexandra. Despite her numerous achievements as an athlete, a student, and a marketing professional, with over 15 years of experience working for multi-billion dollar corporations, she still felt like something was missing in her life. This went on until she finally found a way to discover her true inner power and energy to turn her life around and that of others.
After making several trips to India, she fell deeply in love with yoga and understood the power of energy. This allowed her to return to her authentic self and find her true power, things she is passionately teaching other people today. Realizing that a lot of people are seeking to experience what she has, Monica became a core energy life and leadership coach from one of the best coaching schools in the world, helping overachieving individuals return to their genuine selves.
Monica Alexandra is also known to have helped several multi-billion dollar companies tap into the hidden potentials of their leaders so they can become more conscious and mindful.
By empowering people to live authentic lives and teaching them to have radical acceptance and unconditional self love, she believes that she is contributing to making the world a better place to be in as she helps others understand how personal work has a “collective positive impact”. Monica Alexandra is creating the next generation of highly empowered and authentic individuals.
Your success in this course depends on your willingness to take action. Take the time to do the suggested self-reflections and exercises.
There are no prerequisites for this course. It’s open to anyone who wants to increase their satisfaction in life by learning to be authentic. Your success in this course depends on your willingness to take action. Take the time to do the suggested self-reflections and exercises.
In this course, you’ll learn how to: • Discover who you really are • Find out your true passions • Build your self-esteem • Let go of past mistakes and accept yourself • Break free from crippling self-doubts • Embrace your individuality • Love yourself • Find your life purpose • Show the world the real you Create a joyful life by living authentically.
The spouse who feels like they’re wearing a MASK in his marriage The employee who is sick of hiding her TRUE self The wannabe entrepreneur who feels STUCK in his job The university student who is TRAPPED in a boring major The accountant who want to TRAVEL the world ANYONE longing for a true, joyful, wholesome, authentic life
You’ll find out what it is to live authentically. You’ll discover a lot about yourself and how you got that way. You’ll learn how to accept yourself and love yourself just the way you are. You’ll understand your own value and what you have to offer the world. You’ll boost your self-confidence. You’ll develop the courage to be yourself around others. You’ll discover your passions and how to enjoy them in your daily life. You’ll see how you can structure your life around what matters most to you. By living authentically, you can simplify your life, reduce stress, strengthen your relationships, build a more satisfying career, and increase your happiness and fulfillment in life.
Those who want to be themselves around others, increase their self-esteem, build their confidence, and live their life according to what’s important to them (not someone else)